Source code for equity_jenga.api.kyc

This web service enables your application to query the various registrar of persons in the various countries in East Africa.

Currently available for Kenya and Rwanda only.
import requests
from .auth import JengaAuth
from .exceptions import handle_response

[docs]class IDSearchVerification(JengaAuth):
[docs] def authenticate(self, merchantCode, documentNumber, countryCode): """ **Params** :merchantCode: Your MerchantCode :documentNumber: Document Number to Verify :countryCode: The Country Code **Returns** :Headers: :Authorization: string the bearer token used to access the API :Content-Type: string the content type of the payload :signature: string A SHA-256 signature to proof that this request is coming from the merchant. Build a String of concatenated values of the request fields with the following order: merchantcode documentNumber countryCode. The resulting text is then signed with Private Key and Base64 encoded. Should return the headers to pass to the particular endpoint """ return { "Authorization": self.authorization_token, "Content-Type": "application/json", "signature": self.signature((merchantCode, documentNumber, countryCode)), }
[docs] def verify(self, identity: dict): """ Params: :identitiy: :documentType: string the document type of the customer. for example ID, PASSPORT, ALIENID :firstName: string first name as per identity document type :lastName: string last name as per identity document type :dateOfBirth: string optional date in YYYY-MM-DD format :documentNumber: string the document id number :countryCode: string the country in which the document relates to (only KE and RW enabled for now) Example Reponse .. code-block:: json { "identity": { "customer": { "fullName": "John Doe ", "firstName": "John", "middlename": "", "lastName": "Doe", "ShortName": "John", "birthDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00", "birthCityName": "", "deathDate": "", "gender": "", "faceImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAYABgA+H8qr6n4e1O71SGFbV/sEOF3O6/N/eb71d/FGkaBVXaq9KfRRRRRUMsKSIdyr0r/9k=", "occupation": "", "nationality": "Refugee" }, "documentType": "ALIEN ID", "documentNumber": "654321", "documentSerialNumber": "100500425", "documentIssueDate": "2002-11-29T12:00:00", "documentExpirationDate": "2004-11-28T12:00:00", "IssuedBy": "REPUBLIC OF KENYA", "additionalIdentityDetails": [ { "documentNumber": "", "documentType": "", "issuedBy": "" } ], "address": { "provinceName": " ", "districtName": "", "locationName": "", "subLocationName": "", "villageName": "" } } } """ documentNumber = identity.get("documentNumber") countryCode = identity.get("countryCode") merchantCode = self.merchant_code