Source code for equity_jenga.api.auth

import base64
import os
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256

[docs]class JengaAuth: """ Jenga Base Authentication Class **Params** :authorization_token:: the bearer token used to access the API, i.e apiKey :merchant_code:: the merchant code provided by JengaHQ :private_key:: the path to the merchant private key default is "~/.JengaAPI/keys/privatekey.pem" :env:: the environment in which the API is to be used either *sandbox* or *production* :sandbox_url:: the url used to access the Sandbox API :live_url:: the url used to access the Production API **Example** .. code-block:: python from equity_jenga import api jengabase = api.auth.JengaApi( authorization_token="Bearer TofFGUeU9y448idLCKVAe35LmAtL", merchant_code="4144142283", env="sandbox", ) # Similarly for all classes Inheriting from JengaAuth acc_Bal = api.auth.account_services.balances.AccountBalance( authorization_token="Bearer TofFGUeU9y448idLCKVAe35LmAtL", merchant_code="4144142283", env="sandbox", ) # Get Available Balances available_bal=acc_Bal.available(countryCode='KE',accountId="0011547896523") print(available_bal) # Opening and Closing Balances opening_and_closing_bal=acc_Bal.get_opening_and_closing(accountId="0011547896523"countryCode='KE',date="2020-03-21") print(opening_and_closing_bal) """ def __init__( self, authorization_token: str, merchant_code: str, env: str, private_key=os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.JengaApi/keys/privatekey.pem", sandbox_url="", live_url="", ): """ :authorization_token: the bearer token used to access the API :merchant_code: the merchant code provided by JengaHQ :private_key: the path to the merchant private key :env: the environment in which the API is to be used :sandbox_url: the url used to access the Sandbox API :live_url: the url used to access the Production API """ self.authorization_token = authorization_token self.sandbox_url = sandbox_url self.live_url = live_url self.private_key = private_key self.merchant_code = merchant_code
[docs] def signature(self, request_hash_fields: tuple): """ Build a String of concatenated values of the request fields with following order: as specificied by the API endpoint The resulting text is then signed with Private Key and Base64 encoded. Takes a tuple of request fields in the order that they should be concatenated, hashes them with SHA-256,signs the resulting hash and returns a Base64 encoded string of the resulting signature """ data = "".join(request_hash_fields).encode("utf-8") with open(self.private_key, "r") as pk: rsa_key = RSA.importKey( signer = digest = digest.update(data) sign = signer.sign(digest) return base64.b64encode(sign)
[docs]def generate_key_pair(): """ Generates a Public/Public RSA Key Pair which is store in the current User's **HOME** directory under the **.JengaAPI/keys/** Directory """ import os home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") if not os.path.exists(home_dir + "/.JengaApi"): os.mkdir(home_dir + "/.JengaApi") keypath = os.path.join(home_dir, ".JengaApi", "keys") if not os.path.exists(keypath): os.mkdir(keypath) print(f"created {keypath}") os.system( f"cd {keypath};openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048;openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out publickey.pem" ) os.system(f"ls {keypath}")