Equity_Jenga Package

Jenga Submodules



Downstream Provider Error responses:

error 900101 Invalid merchant Cipher Text
error 900101 Invalid merchant certificate
error 900101 invalid merchant public key configuration – is empty
error 900101 Invalid merchant public key configuration —Public key is null
error 900101 Invalid merchant code provided

Merchant Authorization:

Status Code Response Message
error 401101 Unauthorized
error 401102 Service Not available
error 401103 Service Not available

Merchant Account/ Profile Validation:

error 104101 Validation of account failed
error 104102 Merchant daily transaction limit exceeded
error 104103 Insufficient Funds
error 104104 Invalid charge configuration
error 104105 Server Error
error 104106 Server error - could not save to database
error 104107 Invalid merchant configuration - No billing account found


error 118102 Service Not Available
error 118108 The source account has insufficient balance amount
error 103101 Invalid Account Type.
error 103102 Invalid account number .
error 103104 Insufficient funds.
error 103105 Transfer Limit Exceeded .
error 103106 Request Failed, please contact Bank.
error 103107 Invalid Currency/Transaction Amount.
error 103108 System Failure please retry .
error 103109 System malfunction .

Send Money - Within Equity Bank and Equitel

error 400103 Failed, invalid destination bank account
error 400104 Failed, insufficient funds
error 400105 Failed, general error
error 400106 Failed, destination bank error.
error 400107 Failed, destination bank error. Cut-over in progress
error 400108 Failed, destination bank error. System malfunction
error 400109 Failed, destination bank error. Duplicate transmission
error 400111 Failed, missing parameter in integration to gateway system
error 400112 Failed, could not process this request. System failure.
error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference
error 400113 Failed, sender daily limit exceeded
error 103120 Failed, banking service could not process the request
error 400114 Failed, unable to process request. Third party is unavailable
error 400115 Failed, unhandled error
error 400116 Failed, 12 digit transaction reference required
error 118110 Failed, maximum transfer amount is 999,999 per transaction


error 100116 Failed, pesalink or destination bank error
error 100124 Failed, invalid amount
error 100128 Failed, pesalink or destination bank error
error 100130 Failed, pesalink or destination bank error
error 100134 Failed, amount less than minimum allowed
error 100207 Failed, destination cannot be found for routing
error 100209 Failed, pesalink or destination bank error
error 100210 Failed, transaction timed out
error 100211 Failed, pesalink or destination bank error
error 100232 Failed, banking service could not process the request
error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference
error 100222 Failed, suspected fraud
error 400102 Failed, invalid destination bank account
error 400103 Failed, invalid destination bank account
error 400104 Failed, insufficient funds
error 400105 Failed, general error
error 400106 Failed, destination bank error.
error 400107 Failed, destination bank error. Cut-over in progress
error 400108 Failed, destination bank error. System malfunction
error 400109 Failed, destination bank error. Duplicate transmission
error 400110 Failed, bank not on pesalink
error 400111 Failed, missing parameter in integration to gateway system
error 400112 Failed, could not process this request. System failure.
error 400113 Failed, sender daily limit exceeded
error 400114 Failed, unable to process request. Third party is unavailable
error 400115 Failed, unhandled error
error 400116 Failed, 12 digit transaction reference required

Purchase Airtime

error 107101 Service Not available
error 107102 Invalid Provider
error 107103 Invalid Parameters
error 107104 Invalid Mobile Number
error 107105 Invalid Service Type
error 107106 Invalid Amount
error 107107 Payment reference Number should be 12 digits
error 107108 Authentication Failed
error 107109 The maximum amount allowed for transfers per transaction is KES 8000
error 107110 Failed. Transaction has been reversed to your Account {account}. Ref.{reference}.
error 107111 Dear Customer, we are unable to complete your request at this time. Kindly try again later. Reference Number {ref}
error 107112 Failed.Transaction Ref.#RefNo# unsuccessful. Kindly call 100 for assistance
error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference

Send Money - To Mobile Wallet ( Airtel and M-PESA )

error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference
error 400104 Failed, insufficient funds
error 400105 Failed, general error
error 400112 Failed, could not process this request. System failure.
error 400113 Failed, sender daily limit exceeded
error 400114 Failed, unable to process request. Third party is unavailable
error 400115 Failed, unhandled error
error 400116 Failed, 12 digit transaction reference required
error 103120 Failed, banking service could not process the request
error 105154 Failed, we cannot process your request at the moment due to system failure at Airtel
error 105156 Failed, the number is not registered for Airtel money
error 105157 Failed, credit party customer type can’t be supported by the service
error 105158 Failed, Maximum transfer amount is 70000 per transaction
error 105160 Failed, invalid mobile wallet
error 118101 Customer not registered for Equitel Mobile Banking

Bill and Till Payments

error 102101 Missing parameter
error 102102 invalid Reference Number
error 102103 Invalid Biller Code/Till Number
error 102104 Invalid Bill Reference
error 102105 Reversal Failed
error 102106 Insufficient Balance, Invalid Account
error 102107 System Failure please retry
error 102108 Reversal Failed
error 102110 Service Not available
error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference

Eazzypay Push

error 114101 Merchant not registered for service
error 114102 Amount is below minimum that is allowed for transaction.
error 114103 The maximum amount limit is reached
error 114104 Customer is not registered
error 114105 Maximum daily amount per-day limit is reached for this payment
error 114106 Maximum transactions per-day limit is reached for this payment
error 114107 Invalid parameters. Kindly check with bank team
error 400101 Duplicate Transaction/ Payment Reference

Lipa na M-Pesa Online

error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid TransactionType
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid Password
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid PartyB
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid CallBackURL
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid Remarks
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid PartyA
error 117101 Bad Request - Invalid Amount
error 117102 [MerchantValidate] - Wrong credentials
error 117102 Request failed: Output data invalid
error 117104 Error Occured: Spike Arrest Violation
error 500101 Generic error. Please contact our support.

Get Payment Status

error 111101 Failed. Invalid input parameters
error 111102 Bad request - Transaction not found.

Refund Payment

error 113101 Service Not available
error 113102 Invalid request format
error 113103 Invalid Transaction Status code for Reverse the Transaction
error 113104 Service Not available
error 113105 Due to technical problem we are not able to process your request

Identity Verification

error 115101 ID number used for search contains invalid symbols
error 115102 Serial number used for search contains invalid symbols
error 115103 At least one of search parameters should be filled
error 115104 Search can’t be done if one of mandatory fields is empty. All input parameters should be filled
error 115105 There is no record found in IPRS corresponding search parameters
error 115106 Service Not available
error 115107 Service Not available
error 115108 Service Not available
error 115109 Service Not available
error 115110 Service Not available
error 115111 Passport number contains illegal symbols
error 115112 At least one of search parameters should be filled
error 115113 Search can’t be done if one of mandatory fields is empty. All input parameters should be filled
error 115114 User can’t invoke verification methods because he didn’t pass the authorization or don’t have sufficient privileges
error 115115 Service Not available
error 115116 The image sent doesn’t correspond to the fingerprint format
error 115117 Service Not available
error 115118 Service Not available
error 115119 Service Not available

Account Balance

error 8504 No record could be retrieved

Create Bill

error 106101 Unauthorized
error 109101 invalid charge configuration
error 109102 invalid channel code
error 109103 Bill already cleared
error 109104 Invalid service configuration
error 109105 Invalid charge channel configuration code
error 109106 Invalid merchant Outlet code specified
error 109107 Invalid merchant code
error 109108 Invalid request data. Please check your payload
error 109109 Service not available

Credit & Debit Card

error 101101 Transaction could not be processed
error 101102 Transaction declined – contact issuing bank
error 101103 No reply from Processing Host
error 101104 Card has expired
error 101105 Insufficient credit
error 101106 Error Communicating with Bank
error 101107 Message Detail Error (Invalid PAN, Invalid Expiry Date)
error 101108 Transaction declined –transaction type not supported
error 101109 Bank Declined Transaction – Do Not Contact Bank
error 116101 Payment Not Updated
error 109101 invalid charge configuration
error 109102 invalid channel code
error 109103 Bill already cleared
error 109104 Invalid service configuration
error 109105 Invalid charge channel configuration code
error 109106 Invalid merchant Outlet code specified
error 109107 Invalid merchant code
error 109108 Invalid request data. Please check your payload
error 109109 Service not available

Receive Payments - Mobile Wallets

error 114101 Merchant not registered for service
error 114102 Amount is below minimum that is allowed for transaction.
error 114103 The maximum amount limit is reached
error 114104 Customer is not registered
error 114105 Maximum daily amount per-day limit is reached for this payment
error 114106 Maximum transactions per-day limit is reached for this payment
error 114107 Invalid parameters. Kindly check with bank team
error 111101 Failed. Invalid input parameters.
error 111102 Bad request - Transaction not found
error 116101 Payment Not Updated

Query Payment

error 112101 Amount paid is less or more than bill amount
error 112102 No transaction found for order ref
error 112103 Bill not found
error 112104 Invalid merchant code
error 112105 invalid service map configuration
error 112106 Due to technical problem we are not able to process your request
error 112107 Invalid service configuration
error 112108 Bill already cleared

Query Bill

error 110101 Invalid merchant code
error 110102 Invalid request data. Please check your payload
error 110103 bill doesn’t exist

Generic Error

"response_status": "error",
"response_code": "500101",
"response_msg": "Generic error. Please contact our support."

Target Error

200 OK

"response_status": "error",
"response_code": "{$.response code}",
"response_msg": "{$.message}"
equity_jenga.api.exceptions.generate_reference() → str[source]

Generate a transaction reference Should always be a 12 digit String


Handles Responses From the JengaHQ API and Raises Exceptions appropriately as errors occur and returns a dict object from the json response